Tuesday, January 10, 2012

VS2 Clarity Diamond pricing

This type of clarity diamonds contain small inclusions that can be seen only by looking at the diamond with the use of a 10x magnifying loupe.  VS2 clarity diamonds can be located in various positions in the stone and can be light or dark, but they are invisible to the “naked eye”. These are visually clean and flawless diamonds that are cheaper that the VS1 clarity diamonds. However, there is actually no visible difference between the two so VS1 will be higher in clarity while VS2 gives you the option of a lower price.
VS2 Pricing
There is no perfect diamond that is why they have their own quality and uniqueness. No matter how flawless a diamond could be, there will still be flaws and inclusions in it, you should just need to put it under a closer magnification.
Pricing of these diamonds will be based on how easily their inclusions are seen and VS2 clarity diamonds are said to be more expensive that those SI diamonds. Remember that the clearer the diamonds are, the more money they will make.
You should always make it a point to ask the sales person in you are interested in buying a diamond, if you can use their tools to look at the diamond you are interested to buy for you to have a closer look on the visible flaws of the diamond.
You can also buy a diamond over the internet but you have t
o be more careful and you should choose the websites that have good reputations. The online store should allow you to look at the diamonds closer; they should have magnified pictures for you to check on the diamonds’ flaws. If it is possible, look for a website that will allow you to view photos of the diamonds at up to 40x closer.
A great website that offers these options is: JamesAllen.com
